4 Easy DIY Moisturisers For Dry Skin at Home
Dry Skin Woes Can Bid Adieu With These Homemade Moisturisers
Have you ever felt your skin is unnaturally dry, flaky and sometimes even starts to peel off during winters? This is because you have dry skin. Given that your skin is dry, you know how difficult it is to find a moisturizer that suits you the best. Well, you need not worry anymore! We are here to save the day and your skin, of course.
Did you know that you can now make intensely hydrating and nutrient-laden moisturisers at your home; that too with ingredients easily accessible to you? If not, then keep on reading this article to learn a little DIY on making homemade moisturiser for dry skin.
How To Make Moisturiser For Your Face At Home?
Treating dry skin can be truly annoying. Sometimes, it gets even more inconvenient because your skin can start peeling off, get itchy or worse, reddens. Thus, to avoid embarrassment, you can use products often found in one's kitchen or pantry and make a natural moisturiser for dry skin. Here are a few recipes to guide you along the way:
With Shea Butter:
It’s common knowledge that shea butter is rich in fatty acids. These fatty acids make them an excellent base for most moisturisers found in the market. It is considered to be an emollient that can trap the moisture in the skin and restore lipids, rapidly creating moisture. To make this you need:
- ½ cup shea butter
- 6-7 drops of your favourite essential oil and
- 1 teaspoon of avocado, coconut or any other normal oil.
You can then proceed to heat these ingredients together till they are thoroughly melted and then store them in the fridge, inside an airtight container.
With Beeswax:
Beeswax can help to create a protective layer on the skin and trap water. Both these qualities can help the skin stay hydrated and soft. It also has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties, which help protect the skin as well. Therefore, for those people who have extremely dry skin or skin prone to peeling off, a beeswax moisturiser is the key to go. Here’s how you can make it.
- ¼ cup of beeswax (easily available on any online store)
- ½ cup of coconut oil
- ½ cup of olive oil
- 10 drops of your favourite essential oil to add fragrance (optional)
Heat all the ingredients using a double boiler, mixing them well and then store them in an airtight container for future use.
Using Aloe Vera:
Aloe vera is a rich, water-dense plant. Being a desert plant, it can retain moisture and prevent dehydration. This is the reason, it is also used as an anti-inflammatory agent by creating a better barrier for the skin. Furthermore, aloe vera can help in stimulating the production of elastin and collagen fibres, which help in the youthful appearance of our skin. Hence, to make this moisturiser you will need:
One cup of aloe vera gel (either freshly sourced or store-bought)
- ¼ cup of beeswax
- 1⁄4 cup of almond oil and coconut oil to mix
- 10 drops of your favourite essential oil for fragrance.
Melt the oils together with the beeswax and blend this mixture with aloe vera gel. Store and use this homemade face moisturiser for dry skin when your hands or face requires some instant hydration.
Using Honey And Glycerin:
Glycerin is a humectant that pulls water from the deeper layers of the skin to the surface. Honey, too, makes up for a potent moisturiser as it hydrates the skin without creating an oily feeling thereby, keeping your pores open and clean. Thus, a honey-glycerin-based moisturiser will work effectively to keep your skin moisturised and hydrated. To make this:
- add one teaspoon of honey
- two tablespoons of glycerin
- ½ cup of shea butter or coconut oil
Then use shea butter or coconut oil and heat the ingredients using a double boiler. Freeze in an airtight container and apply when you want to enjoy the goodness of honey and glycerin and provide your skin with some instant moisturizing glow.
In any case, you don’t wish to perform some self DIY action; you can always look for natural products and moisturisers on Good Vibes. Sourced from completely nature-based ingredients, products from Good Vibes make it seem like they have been whipped, keeping your skin and its speciality, specifically in mind. So, what are you thinking about? Hop on to Good Vibes’s website and shop your favourite moisturisers here. Get your skin winter ready!
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